London circa 1700
Purcell and his generation
Mirare (MIR368) - 2019
London circa 1700 is the first of a series of 4 CDs dedicated to instrumental music in England from the end of the 17th century to the end of the 18th century, that are the fruit of extensive musicological and historical research.
At the end of the seventeenth century, London became a city full of promise, the stuff that dreams were made of : theaters and concerts were packed every night and the music publishing market was flourishing. This great European capital at the height of its economic expansion was extremely attractive to the foreign musicians who settled there in large numbers. It provided a most favourable context for the development of instrumental music, fuelled by the final flowering of the English tradition and by the latest European innovations.
Photo Robin Davies
- Stéphan Dudermel & Stéphanie Paulet, violins
- Sébastien Marq & Marine Sablonnière, alto & tenor recorder
- Florence Bolton, viola da gamba
- Benjamin Perrot, theorbo
- Carsten Lohff, harpsichord & organ
Production La Rêveuse | Avec le soutien de l'ADAMI et de la Région Centre-VdL.
Label Mirare (distribution Hamonia Mundi/PIAS)
Released: January 19th 2019
“La Rêveuse shine light in some dusty corners and deserve credit for its stylish performance”
Nicholas Anderson, BBC Music, April 17, 2019
“Wir hören minutiös ausgearbeitete Interpretationen, kristallklar ausphrasiert, mit detailverliebter Spielkultur, einer wunerbar differentierenden Farbpalette und einem kontinuierlich sehr spontan wirkendem Spiel, wobei das Technische nur woraussetzung ins nur für sinnliche Interpretationen voll zarter Empfindung, oft mit einem Hauch zarter Melancholie.”
“What a beautiful CD, with plenty of appealing music in sensual performances with, here and there, a shade of melancholy.
Pizzicato, january 2019
“Otra interesante propuesta discográfica de la casa Mirare, (…) Interpreta el ensemble La Reveuse, con virtuosos solistas como Florence Bolton (viola da gamba) y Benjamin Perrot (tiorba).”
Jesus Vega, el Nuevo Herald, january 2019
“La Rêveuse elegantly interprets these works, and the ensemble performance is impeccable. The various instrumental combinations provide contrast, and this is enhanced by the varied continuo forces consisting of theorbo, viol and organ or harpsichord. In addition Florence Bolton’s notes provide an informative background to the musical culture of the period. An excellent introduction to an infrequently explored repertoire.”
Viola da gamba society of America, february 2019
“Die französichen Musiker lassen keinen Wunsch an Artikulation, bis ins Kleinste perfekt abgestimmten Miteinander and klanglichem Feinschliff offen. Ein Album für musikalische Feinschmecker !”
Ingobert Waltenberger, Merker, Die international Kulturplattform, April 2019
“Die hier eingespielten melancholischen wie virtuos verspielten Sonaten und Grounds, überzeugen in der vorbildlichen Darstellung der erfahrenen und beseelten Instrumentalisten von « La Rêveuse » und verströmen von der ersten Noten an grossen Charme. Ein « Muss » für alle Liebhaber dieses Musikstils !”
Wolgang Reihing, Toccata, May 2019
“La Rêveuse give it a performance of great integrity, moving from thoughtful musings to high-spirited virtuosity across its seven-minute span.”
John Bryan, UK Viola da Gamba Society, October 2019