Le Rossignol et l’Empereur de Chine
School, spectacle familial, Spectacle musical
01/12/2023 14 h 30
ACB - Scène nationale de Bar le Duc Meuse
ACB - Scène nationale de Bar le Duc Meuse
20 Rue André Theuriet Bar-le-Duc, 55000
Today, at a time when biodiversity is so badly affected and birds are gradually disappearing from our soundscape, the ensemble La Rêveuse has teamed up with Cécile Hurbault, a specialist in Asian shadow theater, to adapt a tale by Hans Christian Andersen, published in 1843, The Nightingale and the Emperor of China.
This musical and ecological creation takes a contemporary look at the relationship between man and animal and proposes to mirror descriptive character pieces of the 18th century French around birds and original contemporary pieces written by the composer Vincent Bouchot. This show is also an opportunity to hear the bird flageolets and serinettes, disappeared instruments dear to the birders and bird lovers of the time... It charms all audiences from the age of 6 years!
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