Dietrich Buxtehude

Sonates en trio – Manuscrits d'Uppsala

Mirare (MIR 303) - 2017

Dietrich Buxtehude was a key figure of the north German instrumental repertory for violin and viol. I was he who firmly established the prestige of the German trio sonata by introduicing into it the stylus fantascicus, that highly contrasted and dramatic instrumental language in which imagination and virtuosity reign supreme.

  • Stéphan Dudermel, violin
  • Florence Bolton, viola da gambe
  • Benjamin Perrot, theorbo
  • Emilie Audouin, viola da gamba
  • Carsten Lohff, harpsichord
  • Sébastien Wonner, organ

Enregistrement réalisé avec le soutien du Conseil Régional du Centre-Val de Loire, de l'ADAMI et du FCM.

Label Mirare (distribution Hamonia Mundi/PIAS)


“This scholarly contextual thinking and energy has also thoroughly pervaded the actual performances. Overall there’s a real sense of music happening right now; also of intellectual nimbleness. Then there’s the continuo section’s easy movement, and the nuanced, dancing lilt from Stephan Dudermel on the violin and Florence Bolton on the viola da gamba. In fact, listening to this album feels rather like being delightfully, playfully – and thoroughly willingly – seduced.”
Charlotte Gardner, Gramophon, avril 2017

“The use of a bass viol instead of another bass instrument gives Buxtehude’s Trio sonatas a dark timbre. The selection on this recording is played by La Rêveuse in very pleasing and eloquent performances. The musicians show much enthusiasm in their nuanced playing.”
Uwe Krusch, Pizzicato, 20 avril 2017

“The ensemble La Rêveuse plays with seemingly effortless skill and also, crucially, is recorded in a warm and intimate space that beautifully balances the astringent sound or the gut-strung violins and gamba with a rich lower end. Highly recommended to all classical collections.”
Rick Anderson, CD Hotlist, avril 2017

“Dabei hat das Ensemble La Rêveuse einen echten Schatz gehoben. » « Für diese filigranen und auch diffizilen Klänge aus dem Barock braucht es heute natürlich auch entsprechende Musiker. Das Ensemble La Rêveuse um die Gambistin Florence Bolton und den Theorbenvirtuosen Benjamin Perrot sind genau die Richtigen dafür. Sie präsentieren diese Werke ganz leicht, ausgesprochen präzise und mit großer Spielfreude. Damit machen die Buxtehude alle Ehre.”
Susanne Pütz, hr2kultur, 07 Avril 2017

“Never have I heard a chamber group which has achieved a balance like this. This recording can be set alongside the best of Early Music performances of our time. First rate and highly recommended.”
Fritz Balwit, Audiophile Audition, 29 mars 2017
