Henry Purcell
Devotional Songs and Anthems
Mirare (MIR283) - 2015
Purcell’s devotional songs for three male voices are still little known and shrouded in a certain mystery. Yet these meditations on the frailty of human existence are among his finest and most moving works. Gifted with profound intuition of the emotions that can emerge from the union of text and music, this formidable composer, who understood and served the vocal music of his time so well, continues here the work begun by the masters of the preceding generation such as Henry Lawes.
Photo Nathaniel Baruch
- Jeffrey Thompson & Marc Mauillon, tenors
- Geoffroy Buffière, basse
- Florence Bolton, viola da gamba
- Pierre Gallon, harpsichord & organ
- Benjamin Perrot, theorba
Production La Rêveuse | with the support of ADAMI, FCM, Région Centre-Val de Loire and the city of Amilly
Label Mirare (distribution Hamonia Mundi/PIAS)