Northern European Fantasies


20 h 00


Kerk v/d Evangelische Broedergemeente

Zusterplein 20
Zeist, 3703 CB


Works by Dietrich Becker, Dietrich Buxtehude, William Lawes, Christopher Simpson, John Wilson, Thomas Baltzar, Nathaniel Schnittelbach, etc...

In the North of Germany chamber music developed around the viol and the violin, as demonstrated by Buxtehude's famous sonatas of the end of the 17th century. The trend for the virtuoso viol, which originated in 17th century England, was brought to the continent by many English players who settled there. On the other hand, many German violinists went to England to which they brought their talent. The great Thomas Baltzar was one of them. He came from Lübeck and his talent and virtuosity enduringly impressed the English.  These exchanges, which were also spiced up by Italian elements gave birth to magnificent instrumental works. This programme highlights some rare works revealing the vitality of the exchanges of 17th century musical styles, reuniting both catholic and protestant countries around music.  
  • Stéphan Dudermel, violin
  • Florence Bolton, viola da gamba
  • Benjamin Perrot, theorbo
  • Sébastien Wonner, organ
  • Carsten Lohff, triple harp & harpsichord
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