CONCERT READING : The Characters of La Bruyère with the Concerts de Poche and Benjamin Lazar

CONCERT READING : The Characters of La Bruyère with the Concerts de Poche and Benjamin Lazar

La Rêveuse is once again invited by Les Concerts de Poche, this spring, along with actor Benjamin Lazar, for a great project based on La Bruyère’s Caractères.

On the program, a candlelight reading concert, but also workshops with classes and master classes at the Arpajon Conservatory.

La Rêveuse will also intervene at the Gabriel Deshayes high school in Saint Gildas des Bois (44) around La Bruyère and the arts under Louis XIV.

Agenda : 

18h15-19h15 : Association Prévention Echec Scolaire de Saint-Michel-sur-Orge
9h15-10h15 : Structure de Proximité d’EgIy
10h45-11h55 : Ecole Jean Moulin d’EgIy
12h55- 15h50 : Collége Rolland Garros de Saint-Germain-Lés-Arpajon
15h05- 16h00 : Collége Jean Moulin de La Norville